Sunday, May 17, 2020

President Truman The Reasoning for Dropping the Atomic Bomb

Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States of America. He became president because Franklin D. Roosevelt died during his term; Truman was Roosevelt’s Vice President at the time. Truman found himself facing some of the greatest challenges met by any 20th-century president. He discovered in July 1945 that some scientists working for the United States government had successfully tested an atomic bomb in New Mexico. President Truman wanted to use the atomic bomb to end the war in the Pacific, but with fewest U.S. catastrophes. This decision was one of the most momentous decisions of the 20th century and extremely perplexing when analyzed. Harry S. Truman became the 33rd president by the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.†¦show more content†¦Truman agreed and stated that if the weapon was achievable it will certainly have a clobber on those Russians. The war with Japan dragged on and it appeared too much as if the Japanese should never surrender. On July 16, the team of scientists at the Alamogordo, New Mexico, research station denoted the first atomic bomb. Truman gave Stimson the handwritten order to release it, when ready, but not sooner than August 2 on July 31, 1945 (Truman is briefed on Manhattan Project). President Truman received news of the successful test while he was in Potsdam. Stalin had Soviet spies monitoring the Manhattan Project for some time, so he was not surprised when Truman told him about a new weapon. Groves estimated that one blast would wipe out enemy lines over a 2,000 foot area, making a way for any advancing United States force. President Truman told the aim will be for military use only and they will publish a warning statement asking the Japanese to surrender and save lives. By the determination made on August 6, at 2:45 that morning, the Enola Gay took off from its airstrip on Tinian to Hiroshima (Kross 45). 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