Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Argument Against Abortion Essay examples - 1419 Words

The right to life is the most basic and important right that we have. In the past two hundred years, over one million Americans have died for their country. Monuments have been built and speeches have been delivered, honoring these American heroes. America is now engaged in a war where there are no heroes, no monuments or tributes - only victims. Our society has declared war on its most helpless members - our unborn children. Since that war was declared on January 22, 1973, there have been over 35 million deaths. Abortion is one of the most controversial and important subjects of this generation. Much has changed in 25 years. Back then†¦show more content†¦I guess not, as long as you are in the womb according this argument. Those unwanted children who have become criminals, while sad, certainly are not sentenced to death that easily and they still have the possibility of changing their lives. Allowing abortion because of the mere possibility of becoming a criminal would seem to mean it is permissible to use the death penalty for a lot more than just murder if taken to its logical and frightening conclusions. Abortion for this reason just takes us off the hook for showing love and concern to these unwanted children, but that would be more time consuming and difficult and not always successful and, quite frankly, just not as convenient for us. Assume that the practice of drinking milk was widely considered immoral and that the evilness of drinking milk was obvious to everyone, including children. What is the best way for a minority of milk drinkers to get their behavior accepted by the majority? The milk drinkers know that they cannot convince enough people to accept their position by direct argument alone. The only way to get immoral behavior accepted would be to change the definition of commonly understood words. For example, they might refer to milk as flavored water and to drink flavored water is not immoral. The pro-abortion activists have imposed this sameShow MoreRelatedArguments For And Against Abortion1590 Words   |  7 PagesArguments for and Against Abortion The battle over whether to legalize or ban abortion in the United States has greatly increased in recent years; the moral, ethical and legal had been a continuous fight in our society. The abortion issue is also the most passionate and debatable in the United States to whether allow one to have free will over their body or have the government make that decision. Furthermore, it is one of the leading debates in political races. In this society everyone has aRead MoreAbortion Argument Against Abortion749 Words   |  3 PagesDoes a women’s right to choose to have an abortion outweigh a baby’s right to be born? The controversy at hand is whether the rights of a women outweigh the rights of a baby, and whether a mother should be given the rights to pursue a procedure like an abortion. To clarify an abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy in which a doctor uses a vacuum and suction to suck out a fetus from the uterus. The issue is whether the fetus who has th e potential to be a rational, productive human beingRead MoreArguments Against Abortion Essay1286 Words   |  6 PagesThe debate on whether abortion should be legal, or illegal has become a controversial topic that has divided the nation into two. The group of people who don’t see anything wrong with the issue refer to their group as pro-choice supporters. Their main belief about abortion is that because a woman’s body belongs to herself it should be up to her on whether she wants to keep a baby or not. Those who are against abortion and feel it should be illegal think of themselves as pro-life supporters. 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There are several different reasons why one may be pro-life. A few arguments against abortion may include how abortion should not be used as another form of contraception, andRead More An Argument Against Abortion Essay1400 Words   |  6 PagesAn Argument Against Abortion Abortion is a serious topic that people have been debating about for years. Everywhere you turn the topic of abortion presents itself, on TV, in the newspapers, in books and magazines. It already has, and will continue to cause, controversy for years to come. As long as abortion remains legal, pro-life advocates will continue to protest what they believe to be these horrible acts of murder. Dating all the way back to the 1800’s, abortions have been taking place allRead MoreEssay Arguments for and Against Abortion2034 Words   |  9 PagesArguments for and Against Abortion An abortion is also known as a termination, meaning to terminate, to stop. An abortion is when you stop a pregnancy, by removing the foetus from the womb. Many people frown upon abortions, as they see them as the killing of a life. Other people believe that it is a ‘potential’ life, and that a foetus is not considered to be a child. Some people feel that in a situation where the prospective parents are told their unbornRead More An Argument Against Abortion Essay1042 Words   |  5 Pages Abortion in America is a controversial issue in which both sides have valid arguments at face value. The pro-choice side has many arguments to support it belief in keeping abortion legal. Many of these are faulty, and argue points irrelevant to the issue as I will attempt to illustrate, thereby eliminating the main pro-choice arguments. The pro-life position has somewhat different ideas. The most popular of these is: The unborn entity is fully human from the moment of Read More An Argument Against Abortion Essay493 Words   |  2 Pages ABORTION nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I am against abortion for a couple of reasons. I believe adopting instead of aborting is a better decision. Abortion is murder. Condoms are available and inexpensive. There are also other forms of birth control. Some people say it’s their choice so I think people should choose wisely, by not killing a baby. There are also many programs in the U.S. that will aid people financially, for people who claim to be financially unfit to raise a child. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IRead MorePro Choice Arguments Against Abortion2264 Words   |  10 PagesIn cases of abortion, though, where a potential life is considered â€Å"bad†, is it justified to remove it? Life is viewed as the highest intrinsic good, thus any act of deliberately taking it away becomes a serious moral issue. Pro-life arguments, or arguments opposing abortion, claim that each human has a right to life, a person is a human at the moment of conception, and each human possesses the obligation to protect human lives. Pro-choice arguments, or arguments supporting abortion, argue that a

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